
Ibiza Tech Forum is a space for dialogue and networking that arises from the ambition to drive entrepreneurship, innovation, and technological transformation, and aspires to elevate the debate on technology and sustainability to a global level.

Ibiza Tech Forum es un espacio para el diálogo y el networking que surge bajo la ambición de impulsar el emprendimiento, la innovación y la transformación tecnológica, y aspira a elevar el debate sobre tecnología y sostenibilidad a nivel global. Ver calendario completo

Fira de Barcelona-Gran Via is one of the most important international events in the field of smart cities. This event features a congress area and an exhibition space where prominent individuals and organizations involved in local territory management participate, and where innovative solutions in the field of public policies and technologies for urban management are […]

Fira de Barcelona-Gran es uno de los acontecimientos internacionales más relevantes en el ámbito de las ciudades inteligentes. Este acontecimiento dispone de un espacio de congreso y un espacio expositivo donde participan personas y organizaciones destacadas implicadas en la gestión local de los territorios, y donde se muestran soluciones innovadoras en el campo de las […]

Welcome to our exclusive Virtual Demo Day, where innovation meets real estate! Discover a diverse range of cutting-edge solutions as they present their game-changing ideas, products, and services. These innovative solutions are transforming the way we plan, build, buy, sell, and manage properties from platforms that streamline property transactions & operations to advanced data analytics […]