Fisotec – IDEMAP Málaga

Fisotec – IDEMAP Málaga

IDEMAP Málaga The project of the New Web Viewer of Infrastructure of Special Data of the Delegation of Malaga EIEL has supposed a remarkable and substantial change in a new and renewed format, that allows to access the GeoSpatial information of the Excma. Provincial...
Easypark – Antequera

Easypark – Antequera

Antequera Collaboration project between the City Council of Antequera together with the association of disabled Singilia Barba, operator of the regulated parking and Easypark, on intelligent mobility with a vocation of public and social service by dignifying the work...
Easypark – Elche

Easypark – Elche

Elche Intelligent mobility project where you can analyze the benefits of the development of intelligent parking systems. The collaboration between the municipality of Elche, Pimesa parking operator of Elche and EasyPark has allowed to create a platform / digital...
Easypark – Madrid

Easypark – Madrid

Madrid Intelligent mobility project for collaboration between different economic actors, both public and private. It is a technology that is already being used in many European cities, EASYPARK is in more than 900 cities in 14 countries. The applications have...
ByEvolution – NDL RETIS

ByEvolution – NDL RETIS

NDL RETIS In ByEvolution, after a thorough study of the solutions and market trends, we conclude that it was necessary to develop a new technological implementation of the Blockchain concept that was not conditioned by the inheritance and premises adopted by the...