Itelligent – Smart tourism

Itelligent – Smart tourism

Smart tourism BIG DATA SYSTEM AND TOURIST INTELLIGENCE FOR THE MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION OF TOURIST RESOURCES OF A DESTINATION. Development of “social probes” that, from the massive capture of data from the web and social networks, allow to measure a...
Itelligent – Smart Energy

Itelligent – Smart Energy

Smart Energy SYSTEM TO IMPROVE COMMUNICATION WITH CUSTOMERS AND MOTIVATE ENERGY SAVINGS.System to motivate energy savings through customized models of Artificial Intelligence that consider different external factors (open data) that affect consumption, which generates...
HRCS – IT selection projects

HRCS – IT selection projects

IT selection projects From HRCS we are specialists in the execution of programs for the selection of full personnel for companies that begin expansion processes. Some of the last cases that we have carried out successfully are the selection of the staff of the new...