Gecor – Gweet

Gecor – Gweet

Gweet Social networks are a means that citizens have to contact the City Council or the Department of their city or municipality and transmit the incidents that occur. For this reason, in GECOR we believe that it is necessary to listen actively to all citizens. Thanks...
Gecor – Málaga Más Cerca

Gecor – Málaga Más Cerca

Málaga Más  Cerca The main function of CLOSER is to contribute to the social well-being of citizens with more needs and more vulnerable in the city of Malaga, through a team of people committed to providing quality services, well trained, with a permanent attitude of...
Fisotec – IDEMAP Málaga

Fisotec – IDEMAP Málaga

IDEMAP Málaga The project of the New Web Viewer of Infrastructure of Special Data of the Delegation of Malaga EIEL has supposed a remarkable and substantial change in a new and renewed format, that allows to access the GeoSpatial information of the Excma. Provincial...