
Social networks are a means that citizens have to contact the City Council or the Department of their city or municipality and transmit the incidents that occur. For this reason, in GECOR we believe that it is necessary to listen actively to all citizens.

Thanks to the joint work of the University of Malaga, LIMASA and GECOR, the Gweet application was created. This application constantly searches for keywords on Twitter that serve to identify incidents on public roads related to the cleaning of the city. Then, the LIMASA technicians themselves can resolve the issues and inform the citizen in the same Twitter thread.

Gweet has been using LIMASA since 2016 and after a process of constant improvement and development of the tool, an average efficiency of 93% and an 80% efficiency in the detection of incidents have been obtained.



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Smart City Cluster enhances collaboration among its partners, favoring research, development and innovation in the different solutions and technologies aimed at the development of smart cities.

Smart City Cluster is an alliance of private companies and institutions that work for the development of smart cities.