About Ingho
Ingho is an engineering company created in 2004 by independent professionals that provides consulting and advisory services on facilities, energy management, environmental impact, high technology, equipment plan, service management and facilities operation. They stand out for the high degree of commitment to their customers, offering a functional and quality product.
Main Smart Cities services
They elaborate projects in which the work is planned, and an analysis of the costs is carried out, based on 3D modeling with BIM tools. The LEED or BREEAM criteria may be applied in the design of the buildings for later certification.
Facilities consulting and audits
Ingho has a multidisciplinary team of engineers with the necessary experience to collaborate with owners and users of infrastructure and buildings, advising to maximize the performance of its facilities making buildings more efficient and sustainable by providing value, based on our experience in the design and operation of buildings.
Energy and environmental management
They have an outstanding and extensive experience in the development of energy audits in buildings of very diverse nature, developing a work methodology that integrates the simulation of energy consumption for a full year using SW of recognized prestige as Energy +, this form of the work allows quantifying the potential savings of individual and joint measures, both for active or passive measures.
Project manager
Carrying out the projects on time, on budget and duly informed, is a real need of the clients. Its project management services cover all facets of the process, with the aim of ensuring that customer expectations are met.
Equipment plans and Facility Management
The equipment plans have a special relevance for the owners of buildings, where either because of their volume or their degree of specialization they need to be properly managed. Ingho has developed a web platform (GRIDE), which allows it to serve as support for carrying out maintenance plans thanks to the versatility of the platform in terms of storage capacity and information processing.
Success Stories
Smart City Cluster is an alliance of private companies and institutions that work for the development of smart cities.