
About Itelligent

ITELLIGENT, with more than ten years in the market, is a pioneer in Spain in applications of Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing and Big Data. They have specialized in the development of technologies aimed at structuring large volumes of data and developing solutions that allow organizations to gain a competitive advantage thanks to the “intelligence” that the analysis of these large volumes of data provides.


Main Smart Cities services

NET opinion
Platform for monitoring online reputation, analytics and management of social networks and the detection of user communities by themes and / or influencers. On the other hand, it allows us to know what, who, how, when and where the Network users speak of a brand, product-service or sector.
NET SmartCities
Transversal platform for smart cities adapted to the objectives of each city. Taking advantage of the data generated by the city through its hybridization with data from other sources, its modeling with Artificial Intelligence techniques for the generation of optimal policies that maximize citizen satisfaction.
NET geomarketing
Platform for detecting optimal strategic locations for your business and potential customers.
NET opendata
Service platform for access to public sector data and open data. These services allow access to structured information from disordered data. In this way, Official Gazettes, Brands, Helps, Tenders, … are structured to be used easily and simply.
NET price
Platform for monitoring, modeling and management of own and competition prices. Collect online price information of products and services from the Internet, analyse their fluctuations and improve market understanding to anticipate demand.
NET elections
Electoral intelligence platform that allows analyzing the vote, establishing optimal strategies for electoral campaigns, classifying areas based on voting and locations for campaign development.
NET industrial
Platform for intelligent management of the connected industry. Intelligence and optimization models adapted to the specific needs of each industrial company. Extraction and hybridization of data from proprietary systems (RP, MRP, BIM, sensors, …) for value enhancement.

Join the Smart city

8 + 3 =

Smart City Cluster is an alliance of private companies and institutions that work for the development of smart cities.