Letter Ingenieros

About Letter Ingenieros

Letter Ingenieros was born in 2013 to create a new business model in the ENERGY EFFICIENCY market with quality criteria and technological innovation. Its founding partners, engineers all three, come from the sector, with extensive experience, and have been transferring the know-how and their know-how to all components of the current Letter team. The company currently has three operational offices (Granada, Barcelona and Palma) and performs its services throughout the national territory and neighbouring countries, through its multidisciplinary team composed of several branches, graduates and architects. The main objective of Letter Ingenieros, is to “Advise and serve as support to our clients in the environment of energy efficiency, electrical engineering and environmental, applying our knowledge of the sector and giving an innovative vision to each project”.


Main Smart Cities services

Energy efficiency
The Energy Efficiency department of Letter Ingenieros, is formed by technical and superior engineers, as well as architects and riggers, with more than 10 years of experience in the energy sector in prestigious national companies that are experts in providing energy efficiency services and optimization of use of energy

In these 5 years of activity, Letter Ingenieros, an important portfolio of clients has been forged who rely on our services to improve their energy saving objectives, especially aimed at obtaining subsidies, technical specifications and regulatory compliance.

Thus, Letter Ingenieros has become a national reference in Public Lighting and Energy Management, highlighting the management carried out in cities such as Barcelona, Palma (Mallorca) and Albolote (Granada), among others.

Letter Ingenieros is recognized as an innovative company, for the creation of the EFILUX Energy Management and Control web platform.

The EFILUX tool is a consumption centre management platform developed by Letter Ingenieros, based on web technology and Big Data, which allows the visualization of command centres, consumption centres and associated light spot circuits, the programming of On and off schedules, theoretical and real consumption, electric billing of supply points.

Join the Smart city

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Smart City Cluster is an alliance of private companies and institutions that work for the development of smart cities.