Ever Health

About Ever Health

EVER HEALTH, is the leading company in technological medical services, born from the need to connect doctors with patients at the time when the need arises and from anywhere. Its main objective is to ensure the health and well-being of people immediately.

It is present in Spain and Latin America and provides its medical services through different services.


Main Smart Cities services

Where we serve children and educators in nursery schools and colleges of more than 200 centers throughout Spain, guaranteeing the peace of mind of parents and educators, and downloading the latter from making decisions related to the health of children.

The service has a kit consisting of a series of devices specially designed to offer quality medical care:

1. All in One equipment. . It is a computer that incorporates the telemedicine platform.

2. Stethoscope Able to listen remotely in real time to be able to diagnose any respiratory pathology.

3. Scan camera. . Thank you, its ability, to increase and its easy handling allows the doctor to assess changes in the skin, eyes, ear canal, and oral cavity.

4. Pulse oximeter. Midel the percentage of blood oxygen saturation to be able to detect any respiratory abnormality.

For quick consultations or any clarification, the center can contact our medical team by phone, email or chat.

Aimed at individuals, companies, nursing homes, large consultants or insurance companies. The service for small, medium and large companies, aims to improve the well-being and quality of life of employees in their workplaces, favoring the feeling of belonging to the company, work and family reconciliation, and health care Of all the family.

Medical kit for companies: We provide the company with a telemedicine kit, similar to the one we use in the Kidscare service, to which we add some specific medical devices for adults (tensiometer, thermometer …). In addition, employees may request an appointment at any time and from any place, using any mobile device, computer, Tablet … It provides added value to your employees so that, both they and theirs, feel cared for at all times. Now, the doctor is one click away, thanks to EVER HEALTH technology.

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