About Fisotec

Company dedicated to data collection, analysis and study of them through Geographic Information System for the optimization and adaptation of resources, both environmental and urban, as well as energy efficiency, urban mobility, focused so that cities are more efficient and optimize your resources.


Main Smart Cities services

GIS system (geographic information system) aimed at the collection, treatment and management of information on public lighting elements and all auxiliary elements that make up this service.
This tool allows greater control and management of existing resources in public lighting: inventory management and permanent updating, maintenance of all the assets that make up the inventory: warehouse, personnel and facilities and optimization of resources in real time.
Gis - Smart Mobility
GIS system that collects all communication systems that make up a Smart City. In this way, all public transport communication routes, road signs, determination of public transport flow, etc. are fully captured. Among its benefits we can highlight:

optimization of public transport routes, updated maintenance of all urban signaling systems and improvement of road safety.

Gis - Smart Enviroment
GIS application oriented both to the analysis of a large amount of environmental information such as rivers, public channels, forest masses, and to the treatment and management of information on parks and gardens at the municipal level. It contributes remarkably to a better management of all-natural resources.
Gis - Smart Water
Application for the inventory, treatment and management of drinking water and sanitation networks, with their corresponding auxiliary or complementary elements.

Join the Smart city

11 + 15 =

Smart City Cluster is an alliance of private companies and institutions that work for the development of smart cities.