About Gecor

Gecor System develops technological tools mainly with the aim of improving the quality of life in cities. With more than 15 years of experience, it is one of the pioneer companies in the field of Smart Cities and has implemented multiple innovative solutions in more than 100 municipalities around the world.


Main Smart Cities services

Quality Consulting Services
Today, companies and organizations have the need to be constant in their level of development to always be at the forefront and be competitive and offer quality products and / or services. Gecor System offers consulting services in international standards such as ISO 9001 for Quality, ISO 14001 for Environment, ISO 170001 for Accessibility and “Q for Tourism Quality” for multiple sectors.
Social Network Analysis Systems
The RRSS are a means that citizens use regularly to convey their complaints or opinions about the state of their municipality. It is necessary to actively listen to all those citizens and participatory citizens, understand and respond to them. This tool carries out constant searches of keywords in social networks that serve to identify incidents on public roads. In this way, citizens are even more involved in improving the quality of life of their cities.
Incident Management Systems
Since 2004, “Gecor” is a service that allows managing the maintenance of public spaces in a transversal way, integrating municipal technicians, managers, service companies and citizens. It establishes a multidirectional communication channel that facilitates a transparent and positive relationship between a municipality and its citizens, for those who are committed to becoming a Smart City. Thanks to its innovative App, it allows each person to act as a sensor of the state of the city, actively collaborating in its maintenance.
Multiplatform Application Development
The increasing and unstoppable use of smart mobile devices has led to the development of an app for a company or organization that becomes a strategy that can bring great benefits. Gecor System develops web and mobile solutions tailored to the needs of any type of organization, with a view to modernizing and improving the efficiency of its processes.

Join the Smart city

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Smart City Cluster is an alliance of private companies and institutions that work for the development of smart cities.