About Hispasec

Hispasec is the first Spanish cybersecurity company. With more than 20 years of experience in the sector, it offers cybersecurity and early warning services, guaranteeing its business clients the correct maintenance of their computer systems with constant monitoring. Hispasec is a company that offers security services and creates products. Now it has the antivirus for Android Koodous, a free antivirus on Google Play based on collective intelligence through http://koodous.com


Main Smart Cities services

Our SOC integrates the services of Antiphishing, Antitroyanos, Forensic Analysis and Correlation of security events in its own CSIRT and composed of a team of professionals that are available 24 hours in order to address any security incident.
From basic cybersecurity training for all team members to more specific and targeted training for managers and technical staff. Hispasec offers a catalog that is also adapted to the needs of companies, as well as to new areas and contexts of cybersecurity.
Forensic Analysis
Thanks to the study of infected systems, you can know in detail the attack vector that malware is taking advantage of to infect its customers or the computers of your organization. The knowledge of a new threat will allow you to choose the best option to defend yourself.
Security plans
In Hispasec we develop security plans appropriate to the volume of your company. These security plans are based on auditing services according to the technological resources of your company that are susceptible to attacks. These audit services are complemented by training services, attack simulation, vulnerability monitoring tool and consulting.
Cyber Intelligence Services
Hispasec also makes available to companies that need advanced information on feed security and customized reports.
Malware is a threat that infects your customers and damages your organization’s reputation. Hispasec has its own team dedicated exclusively to the detection, analysis and eradication of fraud-oriented malware.
Our experience of years in the fight against phishing campaigns has allowed us to develop a unique sensor network, with early detection capability and strong response to guarantee the neutralization of this threat in the shortest possible time.

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Smart City Cluster is an alliance of private companies and institutions that work for the development of smart cities.