Smart City Cluster Associates Share Communication Strategies at Madrid Event

March 14, 2024

On March 14, 2024, technical directors, communication and marketing managers, and professionals from various business sectors gathered at the Madrid Network event, organized by the Smart City Cluster. The aim was to discuss communication and its pivotal role in organizations from diverse perspectives.

The event was graced by the presence of RTVE journalist Juan Cuesta, who is also the president of Europa en Suma. During the morning session, Cuesta reviewed several key strategies for making companies more appealing to the media and how to ensure their news gets published. His insights sparked dialogue and participation among the attendees.

The discussion also delved into the internal communication criteria and strategies of the Smart City Cluster, highlighting various case studies of success and failure in specific communication efforts. The session then shifted towards brainstorming on how to enhance communication channels and the potential for introducing new useful tools among the associates.

Thus, the event successfully met its goals: to disseminate the communication strategy among associates, foster a dialogue to guide companies in their media outreach, and set the stage for future actions to enrich both internal and external communication. Among other outcomes, the event propelled the re-launch of a periodic newsletter, which has already seen its first edition.

Know the advantages of being associated

Smart City Cluster enhances collaboration among its partners, favoring research, development and innovation in the different solutions and technologies aimed at the development of smart cities.

Smart City Cluster is an alliance of private companies and institutions that work for the development of smart cities.

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