The solidarity response of Smart City Cluster companies to Covid-19
In this post we have compiled some of the initiatives launched by Smart City Cluster companies to help in the fight against Covid-19
30 Mar 2020
The situation derived from Covid-19 has provoked the solidarity response of many companies from all over the country, which have put their knowledge and development capacity into the fight against the Coronavirus.
In this post we have compiled some of the initiatives launched by our associates, many of whom have offered their full capacity to curb the impact of the virus.
Some of the most supportive gestures come from collaborations and donations from companies and institutions, such as Esri, the University of Malaga, Everhealth, Fundación Discover or Vodafone, who have offered their knowledge and technology to help in the crisis. of the Coronavirus.

ESRI transfers its technology to all public and private organizations that require it
Esri has made its technology, temporarily and for the duration of the emergency, available to all agencies, both public and private, that because of the alert and their role, need these tools to manage the Coronavirus crisis.
Since March 11, all the organizations that require it will be able to contact Esri Spain to acquire the technology that allows them to monitor, manage, plan and analyze all the actions they need to carry out.
The UMA collaborates in the fight against the coronavirus COVID-19
The research group, BioSiP (TIC-251): Processing of biomedical signals, intelligent systems and communication security, from the Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering of the University of Malaga has decided during these days to donate almost all the power of calculation of its computing resources (HPC cluster and GPUs) for the simulation of potential target proteins of SARS-CoV-2 (virus that causes COVID-19), by connecting to the Standford server where the virus genome is located.
EVER HEALTH offers free telemedicine consultations
Given the concern generated by the Conoravirus, EVERHEALTH, makes available to citizens its medical professionals to attend, through free video consultations, any questions that may arise regarding this or any other disease and thus contribute to avoiding displacement and unnecessary waiting in medical centers.
A video consultation can be requested by sending an email with your information (name and surname, mobile number, email and reason for consultation) to
The Discover Foundation offers an online science resource bank to enjoy with the family at home
The Discover Foundation has created an online resource bank called #CienciadesdeCasa, to help families live this period of time with science activities to enjoy without leaving home.
The activities marked as #pequecienciadesdecasa on social networks are aimed more specifically at children. In addition to entertaining, the resources that we put at your disposal are useful to reinforce the different school subjects.
You can find the resources here.
VODAFONE makes Digicraft available to children
DigiCraft opens up to the world in a set of open access activities that, following the methodological principles of the program, bring digital competence closer to the little ones. The proposal proposes recreational-educational resources for each of the actors involved in the education of minors (including themselves) thus achieving an integrated approach.
Discover DigiCraft activities here.
Movisat offers its tools, technological solutions and online support completely free of charge
The Movisat company makes all our tools, technological solutions and online support available completely free of charge and disinterested. With its implementation, Movisat hopes to facilitate the planning and management of the different cleaning and disinfection tasks of cities and municipalities, so vital these days.
For more information and how to implement it, you can contact the company here.
Endesa creates a fund of 25 million euros for aid for the purposes of COVID-19
Endesa, within its commitment to society, has designed a Public Responsibility Plan, endowed with 25 million euros, for direct aid to the purchase of material, special supply conditions and donations to alleviate the main health and social needs caused by the health crisis.
In a first phase, the Action Plan is aimed at immediate and most urgent aid, around 3 axes: Donation of materials and services, Special conditions for energy supply to Residences / Hospitals / Medicalized Hotels and economic donations.
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Smart City Cluster enhances collaboration among its partners, favoring research, development and innovation in the different solutions and technologies aimed at the development of smart cities.
Smart City Cluster is an alliance of private companies and institutions that work for the development of smart cities.