Sobre BioAzul

It provides innovative technical and commercial solutions in the fields of the environment, energy engineering and water, using knowledge and techniques in different industrial sectors. It acts as a catalyst, promoter and facilitator of the establishment of commercial and joint research relationships between spanish companies and research centers and their equivalents in the world.


Main smart cities services

Reverse osmosis filtration system

The reverse osmosis filtration process generates an effluent free of contaminants and microorganisms, as well as ion free. Bioazul designs and builds reverse osmosis filtration plants for many domestic and industrial applications (correct conductivity for cooling towers, water production with low salt content for the chemical industry, etc.). The water produced is totally suitable for reuse in any application included in rd1620 / 2007.

MBR - Biological Membrane Reactor

High efficiency purification systems that combine a process of biological treatment of redisual waters with membrane filtration technology. These systems generate a high quality treated water directly suitable for reuse.

SBR - Batch Biological Reactor

Biological water treatment systems where all stages of the process take place in the same reservoir. Our systems produce high quality treated water meeting standards for safe reuse.

Advanced filtration system

These systems cover a wide range of specific applications such as microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis as well as membrane distillation / crystallization for highly concentrated effluents.


Las frutas y verduras conservadas en cámaras frigoríficas y en expositores, tienden a perder peso y frescura, factores que disminuyen el valor y calidad de estos productos, debido a la pérdida de agua.
El sistema ultrafresh proporciona las condiciones óptimas de humedad relativa que evitan el deterioro de estos productos frescos, conservando su frescura y su valor durante periodos más prolongados, lo que da como resultado una considerable disminución de residuos, ya que los productos permanecerán frescos durante más tiempo.

Join the Smart city

4 + 15 =

Smart City Cluster is an alliance of private companies and institutions that work for the development of smart cities.